be inspired

Buy Less. Choose Well. Make it last.

Vivien Westwood, Fashion Designer

Why should we make garments last longer?

Back in the 1950s, people in western societies began to ‘have’ more than they’d had before. 

Up until then, the art of mending, repairing and remodelling clothes was held dear. 

But because of new ways of manufacturing, they could buy lots of new things that had once been out of their reach. Including clothes. They could stop mending and start throwing away. 

In New Zealand today, 180,000 tonnes of unwanted clothes and textile goes to landfill each year. 

But there is hope.

Florence Saves Clothes launched in 2024 to help Tāmaki Makaurai re-value and re-invent what’s already in the wardrobe. 

Saved by Florence stitch-in bill of health for all garments we work on

We use a lot of rag trade knowledge and a large dash of flair to transform the garments you're not wearing. We make keeping clothes alive longer easier for you by coming to your home, event or workplace. Click to learn why!

Benefits of saving your clothes



When you mend, repair, remodel or upcycle what's already in your wardrobe you'll save money.



Saved clothes have a unique look that's made to measure your personality and lifestyle.



Saved or altered clothes usually fit better than they ever have. This comfort is priceless.



Saving garments means you're keeping them out of landfill and caring for the planet.

A little natural bling on a saved and upcycled Karen Walker party dress

thousand tonnes

At least 180,000 tonnes of clothing and textile waste are discarded in NZ each year

new garments

The average New Zealander consumes more than 50 items of clothing a year.

carbon emissions

Clothing and textile waste is responsible for 4% of carbon emissions in New Zealand.

personal waste

The average New Zealander throws away at least 13kg of clothing and textles each year.

join a movement to keep clothes alive longer

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